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   Adolf / Adolph
   A. Z. ; Adolf / Adolph
   with Frieda Rieggerdt in 1857
   son -> Friedrich Ziegler, also became wax model preparator
   1898 or 1889
   zoologist and ethologist Heinrich Ernst Ziegler (1858-1925) (brother)
   studies pharmacy at the univ. of Freiburg (M.D. 1850) ; medical studies in Vienna and Prague
   Jan Purkynë (Prague) ; Alexander Ecker, prof. of physiology at Freiburg and prof. of zoology August Weismann ; Wilhelm His ; Ernst Haeckel ;
   University of Freiburg (zootomical assistent since 1854) ;
   Together with his son he worked in a Freiburg Atelier für wissenschaftliche Unterrichtsmodelle (Studio for Scientific Teaching Models).
   zoological & anatomical 3D wax models ; Karen Wellner, "Adolf Ziegler", Embryo Project Encyclopedia (2009) ISSN: 1940-5030. URI:
   large collections in Freiburg, HU&FU Berlin; see Hopwood 2002; &
   Nick Hopwood: Embryos in wax. Models from the Ziegler studio (Cambridge: Whipple Museum, 2002) ; Thomas Schnalke: Diseases in wax, 1995, 63ff. & 79ff. ; Theatrum 2000 I: 191 ;
   Further literature and context in Hopwood 2002 and Schnalke 1995.

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