raised in France and educated at the Lycée Henri IV, where he received a medical degree in 1841. He also studied botany
William Herbert (1778-1847) ; Flora Brasiliensis (München 1840/1906) ; Histoire naturelle des Quinquinas (1849) ; Additions à la flore de l’Amérique du Sud (1850) ; Voyage dans la nord de la bolivie (1852/53) ; Chloris andina: (1855/61) ;
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle et Jardin des Plantes, Paris ;
he accompanied Adrien-Henri de Jussieu (1797-1853) on numerous botanizing expeditions, became collaborator with Ernest Cosson (1819-1889) and Jacques Germain de Saint-Pierre (1815-1882) in the preparation of Flore des environs de Paris (1845) joined the expedition of François Louis de la Porte to South America ;
botanical, topographical, and geographical engraving ;