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   probably identical with -> E. S. Weddell ;
   1810 fl.
   1850 fl.
   United Kingdom
   Edmund Tyrrell Artis (1789-1847) ; Samuel Curtis (1779-1860) ; John Lindley (1799-1865): Collectio Botanica (1821-1826) ; William Beattie Booth (1804 c. -1874) ; William Roxburghe (1751-1815) ; John Stephenson (1790-1864) & James Morss Churchill (1796-1863) ; Robert Sweet (1783-1835) ; Nathanael Wallich (= Nathan Wolff) (1786-1854) ; Peter William Watson (1761-1830) ;
   botanical engraving ; ;
   Nissen: Botan. Buchillustration 1966 ; Phylis I. Edwards et al. (eds.): Indian Botanical Paintings, 1980: 24-27 ;

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