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   A. V. ; Antoine Verard ;
   1450 c.
   Jean Cuba: Ortus sanitatis / Le Jardin de Santé (French ed. c. 1501) ;
   many printers, e.g. Etienne Jehannot ;
   woodcuts in more than 100 books; more expensive versions on vellum w. hand-made illuminations for wealthy clients; hand-colouring; oil painting,-From-Ogier-Le-Danois,-1499.html ;
   see & for listings of his books
   Répertoire des imprimeurs parisiens, 1965; Montmollin: L'Illustration anatomique de la Renaissance au Siècle des Lumières, Neuchatel 1998:14-19; Mary Beth Winn: A.V.-Parisian Publisher, 1485-1512. Genève 1997;
   mostly known as a printer & publisher; florit 1485-1512, based at the heart of the bookselling and printing quarter of Paris, in a shop under the sign of St John the Evangelist, on the Pont Notre-Dame, rue St.Jacques in Paris

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