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   N, D. ; N. Des Liens ;
   1541 fl.
   in cartography in the "charting school" of Dieppe in the Normandy, fl. 1500; cf. ;
   French King Henry / Heinrich II ; teacher at Institute de Cartographie in Dieppe c. 1542
   maritime and cartographical map-making and copperplate engraving ; hand-colouring ; ;
   On the charting school of Dieppe see ;
   Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, serie 3, volume 27, section II (May 1933) : John Blake: Vermessung der Meere (2007: 25) ; Monique La Roncière et Michel Mollat du Jourdin: Les Portulans: cartes marines du XIIIe siècle (Fribourg: Office du Livre, 1984) ;

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