Browse DSIDetails of the item << Previous Next >> Albernaz João Teixeria J. T. A. ; Ioão / J. T. Albernaz I ; 1590 c. in Lisbon 1662 Lisbon? Luís Teixeira from prominent family of cartographers whose work extended from mid-sixteenth century until late 18th century; cf. under other Domingos Teixeira (uncle) ; Pedro Teixeira Albernaz (brother) ; João Teixeira Albernaz II, the Younger (active 1666-75) (grandson) learned the craft from his father Luís Teixeira, starting his own work in the 17th c.;in 1602 licence as master for "Nautical charts, astrolabs" Portugal 19 atlases & 215 maps ; 1605, he was appointed cartographer for the Warehouse Guinea and India (Casa da Mina & Indias) geographical, topographical, maritime, and cartographic map-making, esp. portolan charts ; Armando Cortesão & Avelino T. da Mota: Portugaliae monumenta cartographica (vol. IV 1960) ; A. Mota: Cartas Portuguesas Antigas na Colecção de Groote Schuur (Lisboa 1977) ; Viterbo Sousa: Trabalhos Náuticos dos Portugueses, Séculos XVI-XVII (1988) ; Simona Binkova: Pražský Teixera's Prague atlas ; On the Albernaz family see 100391028