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   João Teixeria II
   J. T. A. ; Ioão Albernaz / J. T. Albernaz II / A. o Moço ;
   1665 fl. in Lisbon
   1699 ca.
   João Teixeria Albernaz I, from prominent family of cartographers whose work extended from mid-sixteenth century until late 18th century; cf.: other
   granduncle Domingos Teixeira, granduncle Pedro Teixeira Albernaz
   learned the craft from his grandfather
   atlases & maps
   maritime, topographic & cartographic map-making ;
   see,_o_Mo%C3%A7o for a list of his maps 1655-1675
   Armando Cortesão & Avelino T.da Mota:. Portugaliae monumenta cartographica (v. IV, 1960); A.Mota: Cartas Portuguesas Antigas na Colecção de Groote Schuur. Lisboa 1977; VITERBO, Sousa. Trabalhos Náuticos dos Portugueses, Séculos XVI-XVII, 1988; S. Binkova: Pražský Teixera's Prague atlas, 2004
   on the Albernaz family see

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