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   Wilhelmine von
   W. v. W. ; Wilhelmine von Witte of Hanover / Hofrätin Witte ; maiden name Wilhelmine Böttcher ;
   lawyer and court councillor Christian Friedrich Witte (1771-1841)
   1777 in Hanover /Hannover, now Germany
   Hanover / Hannover ?
   34 cm 3D lunar globe in two hemispheres based on Mädler's map; exhibited at Deutsche Naturforschertagung in Bad Pyrmont in autumn of 1839 ;
   Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte (exhibition of her model in 1839)
   astronomer -> J. H. Mädler (1794-1874), whos data and maps she used for her globe ;
   astronomical drawing & 3D globe ; model in wax ; hand-colouring ; ; the lunar globe was later donated to Kestner Museum in Hanover
   Mokre 2005: 33 ; Jürgen Blunck: Deutsche Pionierarbeiten der Monddarstellung mit erhabenem Relief, Der Globusfreund Nr. 47/48 (1999): 293-295 & pl.36; Omar Nasim: James Nasmyth's hands, eyes & mind, to appear in 2016; Omar Nasim: James Nasmyth on the Moon; Or on Becoming a Lunar Being Without the Lunacy,” in Selene’s Two Faces: From 17th Century Drawings to Spacecraft Imaging, ed. Carmen Pérez González, Leiden, 2018.
   see also J.H.Mädler's emphatic comm.on WW's lunar model in Westermanns Illustrierte Deutsche Monatshefte 13(1862/63):397

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