1st w. Luta (Leah) Bagg in Berlin c.1919, divorced 1946; 2nd in 1947 w. Edith Ernst, an old family friend
microbiologist Wolf V. Vishniac (1xxx-1973)
1897 in Pawlowsk near Sankt Petersburg
New York City
Solomon Vishniac, Roman's father, a wealthy manufacturer of umbrellas
mother, Manya, daughter of affluent diamond dealers, died 1941 in Nice; sister Katja; grandson Ethan T. Vishniac (1955-), son of Wolf & astrophysicist
1914-20 studies in biology, esp. zoology at Shanyavsky Institute (now Univ.) in Moscow;
United States of America
in 1935 commissioned by American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee(JDC) in Central Europe to photograph Jewish communities in Eastern Europe; freelance work in photomicroscopy
Albert Einstein College of Medicine (since 1961 prof. of biolog. education); hon.doctoral degrees from Rhode Island School of Design, Columbia College
entomological, marine, and zoological photography and photo-micrography ;
see var. links on publ., exhibitions & internet links at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Vishniac ; Int.Center of Photography: http://vishniac.icp.org ;
Ann Thomas (ed.) Beauty of Another Order. Photography in Science, Ottawa 1997: 103ff. ;
Russian-born, since 1918 living in Berlin, Germany, later US-american biologist, art collector & teacher of art history, photographer & pionier of scientific photography; creator of many films & documentaries, pioneer of "cinemicroscopy" (as he called it) ; pionier of scientific, esp. zoological photography
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