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   Emil / Émile
   E. C. ; Emil Crissand / Émile Crisand ; ;
   1834 c. according to
   1900 fl.
   in Connecticut according to
   see for US census 1870 and 1900 data
   United States of America
   Othniel C. Marsh: The Dinosaurs of North America (1896) ; A. E. Verrill ; James H. Emerton ;
   U.S. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel ; U.S. Geological Survey ; E.C. was working for the Lithogr. Firm "Crisand, Punderson & L. Shierholz"
   draughtsman -> Frederick Berger ; draughtsman -> James H. Emerton ; -> draughtsman Lemuel S. Punderson ;
   zoological and paleontological lithography, drawing, and photolithography ; ;*%22&altquer
   AKL ; Marsh: Odontornithes (1880) & Dinocerata (1884) ; A. Blum: Picturing Nature 1993; Verrill: Cephalopods and Emerton: Spiders, Connect. Acad. 1878-82 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; Davidson 2008: 121-2 ;
   Mentioned 1858 & after 1860 in New Haven. Punderson & Crisand, Engravers, Lithographers & Printers (founded 1860); cf.

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