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   J. M. ;
   1515 c.
   1540 fl.
   Psalter of Henry VIII ; Le premier livre de la cosmographie en rhetorique francoyse (S.E. (London), or France, c. 1538-39) ;
   royal scribe, cosmographer, and mathematician, until 1538 at the court of Francis I, then at the court of Henry VIII
   mathematical, and astronomical drawing ; hand-colouring; natural history painting & mss. illuminating
   R. A. Cooper: J. M. Poete et peintre rouennais', in Premiere poesie francaise de la Renaissance: Autour des Puys poetiques normands, ed. by Arnould Jean-Claude & Thierry Mantovani, Paris 2003: 193-213 ; King Henry's prayer book (2009) ;
   34511859 ?

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