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Page 1230 of 1361
Torcellano de Murano, Giovanni Battista
Dates of birth and death: 1800 fl. - 1810 fl.
Also known as: G. B. T d. M. ;
Worked for: anatomist Leopoldo Marco Antonio Caldani & anatomist Floriano Caldani: Icones anat. celebriores (1801-14) ;

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Torm, Fernando
Dates of birth and death: 1944 - 2011
Also known as: F. T. ;
Worked for:  

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Dates of birth and death: 1863 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: J. Eduard Schoedler (?-1886): Neue Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Caldoceren (Crustacea cladocera) (Berlin 1863)

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Toro, Fco.
Dates of birth and death: 1791 fl. - 1826 / 1827 fl.
Also known as: F. T. ;
Worked for: Stefano delle Chiaje (1794-1860) ; Giuseppe Saverio Poli (1746-1825) & Stefano delle Chiaje (1794-1860)

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Torre, Faust M.
Dates of birth and death: 1798 fl. - 1818 fl.
Also known as: F. M. T. ;
Worked for: Hipólito Ruiz Lopez (1754-1815/16) ; José Antonio Pavón y Jiménez (1754 -1844)

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Tortonese, Enrico ?
Dates of birth and death: 1911 in Turin - 1987
Also known as: E. T. ; likely identical with Enrico Tortonese (1911-1987) ;
Worked for: Salvatore Lo Bianco (1860-1910) ;

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Tortori, Egisto
Dates of birth and death: 1829 - 1893
Also known as: E. T. ;
Worked for: Florence's Museo dell Specola as the last chief wax modeller ; Genesi, organizzazione e metamorfosi degli infusori (Firenze 1895) ;

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Tory, Geoffroy
Dates of birth and death: 1480 or 1485 in Saint-Privé, Bourges, France - 1533
Also known as: G. T. ; Thory de Bourges / Godofridus Torinus ;
Worked for: anatomist -> Charles Estienne Estienne (1504-64) &->Etienne de la Riviere on: De dissectione partium corporis humanis, Paris 1545;

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Tory, Perrette °
Dates of birth and death: 1480 or later - 1535 or later
Also known as: P. T. ; Perette Le Hulin / veuve Tory ;
Worked for: anatomist -> Charles Estienne Estienne (1504-1564) ; ->Etienne de la Riviere on: De dissectione partium corporis humanis (Paris 1545) ;

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Totterdell, Colin Joseph
Dates of birth and death: 1928 - 2012
Also known as: C. J. T. ;
Worked for: CSIRO Plant Industr ; Seddon G. and C. T. Totterdell: The old country- Australian landscapes, plants and people (2005; 2nd edition: 2011) ; Shepherd, C. J. and C. T. Totterdell: and C. T. Totterdell (1983; 2nd edition: 1988) ; Costin, Alec; Gray, Max, Totterdell, C. T. Dane Wimbush: Kosciusko Alpine Flora (1979, 2nd edition: 2000) ;

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