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13680 items found  (Total items: 13680)
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Page 1307 of 1368
Weeks, Patricia °
Dates of birth and death: 1938 in Melbourne -  
Also known as: P. W. ;
Worked for:  

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Weenhuysen, Jan
Dates of birth and death: 1656 fl. - 1685 fl.
Also known as: J. W. ;
Worked for: Jakob Breyn (1637-1697) ;

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Weenix, Jan
Dates of birth and death: 1640 / 1649 in Amsterdam ? - 1719
Also known as: J. W. ; Joannis Wenix ;
Worked for:  

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Weert, Jakob
Dates of birth and death: 1569 ? in Antwerp - 1600 after
Also known as: J. d. W. ; de Weert ;
Worked for: Jean Héroard (1551-1627) ;

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Weffring / Weffringer / Wefring, Blasius / Balisius
Dates of birth and death: 1550 fl. - 1556 fl.
Also known as: B. W. ;
Worked for: woodcutter for pl. in Agricola (Georg Bauer): De re metallica (1556, 1561 & 1621) ; Schwazer Bergbuch (1556) ;

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Weger, Th.
Dates of birth and death: 1900 fl. -  
Also known as: T. W. ;
Worked for: Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793-1879) ;

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Wegmayr, Sebastian
Dates of birth and death: 1776 - 1857
Also known as: S. W. ; Wegmayer ;
Worked for:  

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Wehdemann, Clemenz Heinrich
Dates of birth and death: 1762 in Breda-Resa near Hannover, Germany - 1835
Also known as: C. H. W. ;
Worked for: Major-General Hardwicke ; botanist Joseph Mackrill (1762-1820) ; Ludwig Krebs (1xxx-1xxx) ;

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Wehl, Miss °
Dates of birth and death: 1890 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von Müller (1825-1896) ;

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Wehrbrunn, Emanuel von
Dates of birth and death: 1638 fl. - 1662
Also known as: E. v. W. ; Emaniel‏ Wehr a Wehrbrun / Emanuel von Wehr von Wehrbrun ;
Worked for: publisher Melchior Funck / Funk: Fundamentalis Tabula Arithmeticae (Cologne 1638) ; Aegidius Gelenius, Titelblatt De admiranda, sacra et civili magnitudine Coloniae claudia agrippinensis augustae ubiorum urbis (1645) ;

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