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Witschel, Rolf
Dates of birth and death: 1920 c. - 1970 or later
Also known as: R. W. ;
Worked for: Amann, Gottfried (1901-1988): Vögel des Waldes. Taschenbildbuch der beachtenswertesten Vögel des mitteleuropäischen Waldes, ihrer Eier, Nester und Federn. Mit Textteil über Bau und Leben (Melsungen: Neudamm Verlag, 1976; 557 coloured and 50 black & white drawings by Richter, together with -> Paul Richter (1874-1972)) ; Amann, Gottfried (1901-1988): Bodenpflanzen des Waldes. Taschenbildbuch der beachtenswertesten Pilze, Flechten, Moose, Farnpflanzen, Gräser und Kräuter des mitteleuropäischen Waldes. Mit Textteil über deren Bau und Leben (Melsungen: Neudamm Verlag, 1970; with 630 coloured and 150 black & white drawings by -> Paul Richter (1874-1972)) ;

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Witte, Wilhelmine von
Dates of birth and death: 1777 in Hanover /Hannover, now Germany - 1854
Also known as: W. v. W. ; Wilhelmine von Witte of Hanover / Hofrätin Witte ; maiden name Wilhelmine Böttcher ;
Worked for: 34 cm 3D lunar globe in two hemispheres based on Mädler's map; exhibited at Deutsche Naturforschertagung in Bad Pyrmont in autumn of 1839 ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1854 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Systematisch geordneter Bilder-Atlas für Landwirthe (Jena 1854)

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Wittich, F.
Dates of birth and death: 1811 fl. -  
Also known as: F. W. ;
Worked for: Alexander von Humboldt: Atlas géographique & physique du royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne (Paris 1811-2) ;

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Wittich, Johann Niclas
Dates of birth and death: 1650 / 1660 c. - 1687 after
Also known as: J. N. W. ;
Worked for: -> Andreas Kieser (1618 -1688): Forstkartenwerk (1680-1687) ;

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Wittmaack, Johann Heinrich
Dates of birth and death: 1822 in Kiel - 1874
Also known as: J. H. W. ; J. Wittmaack ;
Worked for: Johann Friedrich August Esmarch (1825-1908) ; Diedrich Kulenkampff (1846-1921): Elephantiastische Formen (1885) ; Ernst Wilhelm Benecke: Geognostisch-Paläontologische Beiträge (1865-76) ;

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Wittmann, J. G.
Dates of birth and death:   -  
Also known as: J. G. W. ;
Worked for: Map of mines near Orovicza and Dognaczka ;

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Witzmann, Hans
Dates of birth and death: 1909 fl. in Vienna -  
Also known as: H. W. ;
Worked for: Lucas Waagen: Historische Geologie, in Joseph Plaßmann (1859-1940) ed. of Himmel und Erde 2,1910:391

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Witzmann, C.
Dates of birth and death: 1954 fl. -  
Also known as: C. W. ;
Worked for: Helmut Risler (1914-1995) ;

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Witzmann, E.
Dates of birth and death: 1900 - 1954 after
Also known as: E. W. ;
Worked for: Schmeil, Otto (1860-1943): Tierkunde (184th edition) (Heidelberg: Quelle & Meyer Verlag, 1960) ;

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