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Wishart, Maria Torrence °
Dates of birth and death: 1893 - 1982
Also known as: M. T. W. ;
Worked for: Medical Art Service of Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Toronto, 1926-45, chair 45-62, retired 1962 ; Medical Art, vols. 1-5 ; Trinity College (District of Columbia) ;

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Wit, Frederik
Dates of birth and death: 1610 / 1616 - 1698
Also known as: F. d. W. ; Frederic / Frederick / Fredericus de Wit / de Wit I ;
Worked for: c. 2 or 3 dozen maps, among them otius Regnorum Hispania et Portugallia descriptio (Amsterdam c. 1680) ; map "Circulus Suevicus in quo sunt Ducatus Wirtenbergensis" (2nd edtion c. 1700) ; map "East-Oriented Nautical Chart of the Coastlines of Southeast Asia" (Amsterdam 1675) ;

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Witherby, Harry Forbes
Dates of birth and death: 1873 - 1944
Also known as: H. F. W. ; Harry F. Witherby ;
Worked for: Ernest Edward Austen (1867-1938) ; George P. Sanderson ( 1848-1892) ;

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Withers, Augusta Hanna Elizabeth Innes °
Dates of birth and death: 1792 in Gloucestershire - 1867 or 1877
Also known as: A. H. E. I. W. ; maiden name: Baker ; Augusta Innes Baker / Mrs. Withers ;
Worked for: Joseph Wilson Lowry (1803-1879) ; John Richardson (1787-1865) ; James Bateman: Orchidaceæ Mexico Guatemala; Benjamin Maund: Botanic Garden 1825-1850 & The Botanist (1836-1842 ); Maund & J. S. Henslow: Botanist 1836-1842 ; Henderson: Illustrated bouquet 1857-1864 ; John Lindley: Pomologia Britannica 1841 ; William Jackson Hooker: Fruits; Robert Thompson: Gardener's Assistant 1859 ; Edward George Henderson (c. 1783-1876) & Andrew Henderson (c. 1823-1906) ; Botanical Register, plate 1071 of the orchid "Ophys fusca";

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Withoos, Alida °
Dates of birth and death: 1661 / 1662 c. in Amersfoort - 1730
Also known as: A. W. ;
Worked for: Jan Commelin (1626-1692) ; bird album: Vogel Boeck ; Agnes Block (1629-1704) ; Jan Moninckx: Atlas (1686-1709) ;

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Withoos, Matthias
Dates of birth and death: 1627 or 1621 in Amersfoort, Utrecht - 1703 or 1708
Also known as: M. W. ; Calzetta Bianca / Matteo Calzetti ;
Worked for:  

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Withoos, Pieter
Dates of birth and death: 1654 in Amersfoort, Utrecht - 1693
Also known as: P. W. ;
Worked for: bird album: Vogel Boeck ;

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Withoos, Frans
Dates of birth and death: 1657 (?) / 1665 in Amersfoort, Utrecht - 1705
Also known as: F. W. ; Franz Withoos ;
Worked for:  

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Withoos, Maria °
Dates of birth and death: 1651fl. - 1700 fl.
Also known as: M. W. ;
Worked for:  

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Withorst, Johannes
Dates of birth and death: 1648 - 1695
Also known as: J. W. ;
Worked for:  

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