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Page 1336 of 1367
Wing, M.
Dates of birth and death: 1850 fl. -  
Also known as: M. W. ;
Worked for: John Miers (1789-1879)

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Wing, William
Dates of birth and death: 1844 fl. - 1868 fl.
Also known as: W. W. ; W. Wing ;
Worked for: Arthur Adams (1820-78), ed.: Zoology of Voyage HMS Samarang under Capt E Belcher 1843-50 ; William Baird (1803-1872) ; Sir Edward Belcher (1799-1877) ; George Robert Gray (1808-1872) ; John Edward Grey (1800-1875) ; Mary Roberts (1788-1864) ; James Clark Ross (1800-1862) ; Adam White (1817-1879) ; Annals (and Magazine) of Natural History (London 1838ff.) ; Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London (London 1833-1964) ; Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (London 1807-12) ; Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (London 1791-1875) ; John MacGillivray (1821-1867) ; Albany Hancock (1806-1873) ;

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Wing, C. W.
Dates of birth and death: 1855 fl. -  
Also known as: C. W. W. ;
Worked for: Henry Tibbats Stainton (1822-1892)

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Wing, Eliz. °
Dates of birth and death: 1844 fl. - 1860 fl.
Also known as: E. W. ;
Worked for: Arthur Adams (1820-78), ed.: Zoology of Voyage HMS Samarang under Capt E Belcher 1843-50 ; William Baird (1803-1872) ; Sir Edward Belcher (1799-1877) ; George Robert Gray (1808-1872) ; John Edward Grey (1800-1875) ; Mary Roberts (1788-1864) ; James Clark Ross (1800-1862) ; Adam White (1817-1879) ; Annals (and Magazine) of Natural History (London 1838ff.) ; Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London (London 1833-1964) ; Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (London 1807-12) ; Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (London 1791-1875) ;

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Wingate, Thomas
Dates of birth and death: 1854 fl. -  
Also known as: T. W. ;
Worked for: Llewelyn Lloyd (1792-1876) ;

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Wingendorp, G.
Dates of birth and death: 1625 fl. - 1650 fl.
Also known as: G. W. ;
Worked for: Ole Worm (1588-1654) ;

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Winkler, Olof
Dates of birth and death: 1887 fl. - 1891 fl.
Also known as: O. W. ;
Worked for: Anton Kerner von Marilaun (1831-1898)

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Winkler, Eduard
Dates of birth and death: 1799 - 1862
Also known as: E. W. ;
Worked for: Gustav Kunze (1793-1851): Die Farnkräuter (1840/47) ;

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Winkler, A.
Dates of birth and death: 1830 fl. - 1840 fl.
Also known as: A. W. ;
Worked for: Josef Emanuel Fischer von Röslerstamm (1787-1866) ; Aloys Hofmann (?-?) ; Österreichisches naturhistorisches Bilder-Conversations-Lexicon ... (Wien 1835-39)

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Winkler, E. C.
Dates of birth and death: 1770 fl. - 1780 fl.
Also known as: E. C. W. ;
Worked for: Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (1723-1788) ?? ;

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