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Page 1334 of 1367
Wilson, Margaret °
Dates of birth and death: 1942 -  
Also known as: M. W. ; née Menadue ;
Worked for:  

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Wilson, Matilda °
Dates of birth and death: 1837 - 1909
Also known as: M. K. ; née King ;
Worked for:  

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Wilt / Wildt, Thomas / Tomas van der
Dates of birth and death: 1659 in Piershil (Korendijk) - 1733
Also known as: T. v. d. W. ; van der Wilt / Wildt;
Worked for: Antony (Thonis) van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) ; T.v.d.W.: painting: De anatomische les van [the anatomical lessons of] Abraham Cornelisz. van Bleyswijck (1686-1761)

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Wilt / Wildt, Willem van der
Dates of birth and death: 1691 in Delft - 1727
Also known as: W. v. d. W. ; van der Wilt / Wildt
Worked for: Antony (Thonis) van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) ;

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Wiltshire, Thomas
Dates of birth and death: 1826 in London - 1902
Also known as: T. W. ; Reverend Thos. Wiltshire ;
Worked for: Thomas Wright (1809-1884) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1830 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Christian Gottlieb Lorek (1788-1871) ;

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Wilutzky, Adolph
Dates of birth and death: 1840 fl. - 1860 fl.
Also known as: A. W. ; Ad. Wilutzky ;
Worked for: Georg Karl Berendt (1790-1850) ;

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Wilwerding, Walter Joseph
Dates of birth and death: 1891 in Winona, Minnesota - 1966
Also known as: W. J. W. ; Walt. J. Wilwerding / Wilmerding ;
Worked for: Animal drawing and painting (New York 1946) ; How to draw animals (Tustin, CA without year) ; How to draw and paint hoofed animals (Tustin c. 1960) ;

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Wimmer, Rudolph / Rudolf
Dates of birth and death: 1849 in Gottsdorf, Lower Bavaria - 1915
Also known as: R. W. ; Rudolf /Rudolph Wimmer ;
Worked for: Deutsches Museum, Munich & popular journals, e.g., Weltall & Menschheit 5 (1902-4): 220: "Fraunhofer führt in München sein Spektrometer vor" ;

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Wimmer, Antonin ?
Dates of birth and death: 1945 fl. - 1960 fl.
Also known as: A. W. ;
Worked for: Genera insectorum (Bruxelles 1902-1963)

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