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Wintter, Johann Georg
Dates of birth and death: 1751 in Munich - 1789
Also known as: J. G. W. ;
Worked for: Raphael Wintter (1784-1852)

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Wintter, Raphael
Dates of birth and death: 1784 in Munich - 1852
Also known as: R. W. ; R. Winter ;
Worked for: Joseph Karl Schmid (1788-1854) ; Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826) ; Anleitung zur Thierzeichung (München 1819) ; Lithographirte Thierzeichnungen als bildliche Darstellung der Fabeln chlassischer Dichter (München 1816) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1898 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Leopold Casper: Handbuch der Cystoskopie (1898) ;

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Wirsing, Adam Ludwig
Dates of birth and death: 1733 / 1734 in Dresden - 1797
Also known as: A. L. W. ;
Worked for: Edmé Louis Daubenton (1732-1785) ; Peter Christian Wagner (1703-1764) ; Jakob Chr. Schaeffer (1718-90); C.J. Trew: Hortus Nitidissimo 1750-92; microscopist ->Martin Frobenius Ledermüller (1719-69): Frühlingszeit Vergrösserungs Werckzeuge 1764; Casimir Christoph Schmidel; JC Keller: Plantae rariores 1779-84

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Wirsing, Christoph Jacob Casimir
Dates of birth and death: 1764 in Nuremberg - 1797 after / 1805 ?
Also known as: C. J. C. W. ; C. Johann Christian Wirsing ;
Worked for: Casimir Christoph Schmidel ; Albrecht Wilhelm Roth (1757-1834) ; Wirsing: Sammlung meistens deutscher Vögel ; Christoph Jakob Trew: Hortus nitidissimus (1750-86) ;

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Wirsing, C. Johann Christian
Dates of birth and death: 1767 in Nuremberg - 1805 c.
Also known as: C. J. C. W. ; Wirsing Jun. SEE UNDER Christoph Jacob Casimir Wirsing ;
Worked for: Albrecht Wilhelm Roth (1757-1834) ;

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Wirsung, Johann Georg
Dates of birth and death: 1600 in Augsburg, Franconia, nowadays Germany - 1643
Also known as: J. G. W. ; Johannes Georgius Virsungus ;
Worked for: Figura ductus cuiusdam cum multiplicibus suis ramulis noviter in Pancreate a Jo: Georg: Wirsüng Phil. et Med. D. in diversis corporibus humanis observati, Padua 1642;

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Wirtz, F.
Dates of birth and death: 1850 fl. - 1880 fl.
Also known as: F. W. ;
Worked for: Heinrich Georg Bronn (1800-1862) ; Carl Gottfried Semper (1832-1893)

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Wischnitzer, S.
Dates of birth and death: 1967 fl. -  
Also known as: S. N. ;
Worked for: Atlas and dissection guide for comparative anatomy (London 1967) ;

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Wisger, Johann Georg
Dates of birth and death: 1711 / 1722 c. in Mannheim - 1797
Also known as: J. G. W. ; h
Worked for: Der Naturforscher (Halle 1774-1804) ;

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