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Page 17 of 1368
Alt, Hans Ulrich
Dates of birth and death: 1557 in Berneck - 1614 or later, but before 1627
Also known as: H. U. A. ; monogram HA ;
Worked for: six or eight portraints for Erhard Cellius: Images Professorum Tubingensium (Tübingen 1596),

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Altdorffer, Erhard
Dates of birth and death: 1512 in Regensburg / Ratisbona - 1561
Also known as: E. A. ; Altdorfer ;
Worked for:  

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Altieri, Giovanni
Dates of birth and death: 1766 fl. in Naples ? - 1802 fl.
Also known as: G. A. ;
Worked for:  

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Alton / d'Alton, Joseph Wilhelm Eduard
Dates of birth and death: 1772 Aquileia near Trient, Italy - 1840
Also known as: E. J. D. ; Joseph Wilhelm Éduard / Edouard d'Alton / Dalton
Worked for: J.W.E. d'Alton: Naturgeschichte des Pferdes (1810-16), Anatomie der Bewegungswerkzeuge und Knochen des Menschen (1850), Faulthiere (1821) ; Christian Heinrich Pander: Entwicklungsgeschichte des Hühnchens im Eye (1817) ; E. d'A. & C. Pander: Vergleichende Osteologie (1821-38) ; Sömmering (1830) ; Sellow (1833-5) ; Adolf Wilhelm Otto ; Hermann Burmeister ; Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858) ;

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Alton / d'Alton, Johann Samuel Eduard d'
Dates of birth and death: 1803 Sankt Goar - 1854
Also known as: J. S. E. d'A. ;
Worked for: embryologist Christian Heinz Pander (1794-1865) & Eduard d'Alton: Vergleichende Osteologie (1821-38) ; Moritz Gustav Weber (1795–1875) ;

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Alvarez, Manuel María
Dates of birth and death: 1805 fl. in Bogotá -  
Also known as: M. M. A. ;
Worked for: José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808): Flora de Bogotá 1952f. ;

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Alvarez, Mariano
Dates of birth and death: 1805 fl. in Bogotá -  
Also known as: M. A. ;
Worked for: José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808): Flora de Bogotá 1952f. ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1787 fl., born in Mexico - 1803 fl.
Also known as:  
Worked for: Martin de Sessé y Lacasta (1751-1808); Villar & José Mariano Mociño (1757-1820) & A.P. de Candolle: Flore du Mexique / Flora of Mexico

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Alves da Silva, Walter
Dates of birth and death: 1973 fl. -  
Also known as: W. A. d. S. ;
Worked for: Escola de Manguinhos ; Olympio da Fonseca ;

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Alwis, William de
Dates of birth and death: 1842 - 1916
Also known as: W. d. A. ;
Worked for: officers & naturalists G. H. Kendrick Thwaites & Henry Trimen (1843-1896) ; Sir William Henry Gregory ; Frederic C. Moore: The Lepidoptera of Ceylon (London 1880-87) ; L. G. O. Woodhouse & George Morrison Reid Henry: Butterfly Fauna of Ceylon (1942) ; K. F. & P. B. Sarasin: Forschungen auf Ceylon (1887-1907) ; George King's monographs of Myristicaceae (1890) & Annonaceae (1893) ; Icones Plantarum Indiae orientalis & Flora sylvatica for southern India (both 1869-74) ;

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