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Albin, Elizabeth °
Dates of birth and death: 1700 c. - 1731 / 1794 fl.
Also known as: E. A. ;
Worked for: Eleazar Albin: Histories of birds 1731-8, insects 1736, and spiders ; Roger North (1653-1734): History of Esculent fish 1794 ;

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Albin, Fortin
Dates of birth and death: 1705 c. -  
Also known as: F. A. ;
Worked for: Eleazar Albin: Albin's Histories of birds (1731-8), insects (1736), and spiders ; Roger North (1653-1734): History of Esculent fish. Discourse of Fish & Fish-ponds (London 1794) ;

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Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried
Dates of birth and death: 1697 in Frankfurt an der Oder - 1770
Also known as: B. S. A. ; Bernardus Sigfridus‏ / Bernh. Siegfr. Weiss ;
Worked for: H. Fabricius ab Aquapendente: Opera omnia anatomica & physiologica, variis locis edita (1738) ; B. S. Albinus: Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani (1747) ; Tables of the Skeleton & Muscles of the Human Body (London 1749) ; The anatomy of painting, or, A short and easy introduction to anatomy (1769) ;

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Alboth, Alexander
Dates of birth and death: 1824 - 1888
Also known as: A. A. ;
Worked for: Das Buch der Welt ... (Stuttgart 1842-1872) ; Berthold Auerbach ; Carl Hoffmann ; Charles John Andersson & A. A.: Reisen in Südwest-Afrika bis zum See Ngami 1850 bis 1854 ;

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Alboth, Gustav
Dates of birth and death: 1817 in Leipzig - 1872 fl.
Also known as: G. A. ;
Worked for: Roberto de Visiani (1800-1878) ;

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Albrecht, Johann Ignaz
Dates of birth and death: 1760 in Vienna - 1810 or later
Also known as: J. I. A. ; he signed "J. Albrecht"
Worked for: Ferdinand Bernhard Vietz: Icones Plantarum Medico-Oeconomico-Technologicarum (1800-22) ; Atlas von Italien mit einem dazugehörigen nach A. F. Buschings grossen Erdbeschreibung geographischen Anhange (1796) ;

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Albrecht, H.
Dates of birth and death: 1875 c. - 1903 fl.
Also known as: H. A. ;
Worked for: 3D Mars globe (diameter 17 cm) ;

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Albrecht, C. John
Dates of birth and death: 1891 - 1978
Also known as: C. J. A. ;
Worked for:  

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Albrecht, Andreas
Dates of birth and death: 1586 in Nürnberg / Nuremberg - 1628
Also known as: A. A. ; Andreas Albrecht ;
Worked for: maps referring to the town of Nuremberg ; A.A.: Instrument zur Architectur (1622); Zwey Bücher - das erste von der Ohne und durch die Arithmetica gefundenen Perspectiva, das andere von dem dazu gehörigen Schatten (1623) / Duo Libri. Prior de Perspectiva ... Posterior de umbra ... (Nuremberg, 1625) ; Eygendliche Beschreibung (Nuremberg, 1625)

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Albrecht, Eugen
Dates of birth and death: 1842 in Tübingen - 1922
Also known as: E. A. ;
Worked for: Mathematics Institute of the Univ. of Tübingen

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