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Page 10 of 1371
Albán, Vicente
Dates of birth and death: 1750 c. - 1783 fl.
Also known as: V. A. ; Vicente / Vincente Alban / Albán ;
Worked for: José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808); Cuadros de Mestizaje (miscegenation paintings, a series of six unsigned paintings showing flowers, plants, fruits, animals & people from Spanish Americas);

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Albanus, Francesco
Dates of birth and death: 1578 in Bologna - 1660
Also known as: F. A. ;
Worked for: Giovanni Battista Ferrari (1584-1655) ;

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Albarda, Herman
Dates of birth and death: 1826 - 1898
Also known as: J. H. A. ; Johan Herman Albarda ;
Worked for: Midden - Sumatra (Leiden 1881-92) ;

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Albee, Grace °
Dates of birth and death: 1890 in North Scituate, Rhode Island - 1985
Also known as: G. A. T. A. ; Grace Arnold Thurston Albee ;
Worked for:  

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Albernaz, João Teixeria
Dates of birth and death: 1590 c. in Lisbon - 1662
Also known as: J. T. A. ; Ioão / J. T. Albernaz I ;
Worked for: 19 atlases & 215 maps ;

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Albernaz, João Teixeria II
Dates of birth and death: 1665 fl. in Lisbon - 1699 ca.
Also known as: J. T. A. ; Ioão Albernaz / J. T. Albernaz II / A. o Moço ;
Worked for: atlases & maps

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Albers, Johann Christoph
Dates of birth and death: 1795 - 1857
Also known as: J. C. A. ; Johann Christian Albers / Joh. Christ. Albers ;
Worked for: J.C.A.: Die heliceen nach natürlicher verwandtschaft systematisch geordnet (Leipzig 1860); Über das Wesen der Blattern und ihre Beziehung zu den Schutzblattern (1831); Malacographia Maderensis (1854); Berends, Karl A: Handbuch der praktischen Arzneiwissenschaft oder der speciellen Pathologie (183

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Albert, Joseph
Dates of birth and death: 1825 - 1886
Also known as: J. A. ; Josef A. ;
Worked for: Theodor Hessling & Julius Kollmann: Atlas der allgemeinen thierischen Gewebelehre (Leipzig 1861f.) ; Eduard Jacobi (1862-1915): Atlas der Hautkrankheiten (1904) ; Nikolaus Rüdinger (foreword by Th. L. W. Bischoff): Atlas des peripherischen Nervensystems des menschlichen Körpers (Stuttgart: Cotta 1861-72) ;

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Alberti, Juliette °
Dates of birth and death: 1859 fl. - 1860 fl.
Also known as: J. A. ;
Worked for: Revue (et magasin) de zoologie pure et appliquée (1849-72) ;

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Alberti, Ignaz
Dates of birth and death: 1760 in Vienna - 1794
Also known as: I. A. ;
Worked for: Joachim Johann Nepomuk Spalowsky (1752-1797): Prodromus in Systema Historicum Testaceorum (1795) ;

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