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Dates of birth and death: 1935 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Takenoshin Nakai (1882-1952)

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Adair, John
Dates of birth and death: 1650 / 1655 c. - 1722
Also known as: J. A. ;
Worked for: "Map of Stirlingshire" (c. 1680) ; "The Mappe of Straithern, Stormont, & Cars of Gourie with the rivers Tay and Ern" (c. 1683) ; "Description of the Sea Coasts and Islands of Scotland, with Large and Exact Maps for the use of Seamen" (Edinburg 1703) ;

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Adam, Benno Rafael
Dates of birth and death: 1812 - 1892
Also known as: B. R. A. ;
Worked for: Abbildungen der Rindviehracen und Schlage der Schweiz nach der Natur gezeichnet ;

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Adam, Eugen
Dates of birth and death: 1817 - 1880
Also known as: E. A. ;
Worked for:  

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Adam, Julius Anton
Dates of birth and death: 1852 - 1913
Also known as: J. A. A. ; Jul. Ant. Adam the younger / der Jüngere / "Katzen-Adam" ;
Worked for:  

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Adam, Franz
Dates of birth and death: 1815 in Mailand - 1886
Also known as: F. A. ;
Worked for:  

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Adam, Georg
Dates of birth and death: 1784 in Nuremberg - 1823
Also known as: G. A. ;
Worked for:  

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Adam, Jakob
Dates of birth and death: 1748 in Vienna - 1811
Also known as: J. A. ; Jacob Adam ;
Worked for: Ignaz von Born; Xavier v. Wulfen (1728-1805): Minera plumbi Carinthia(ca 1781/6); N. J. von Jacquin: Icones plantarum rariorum (1781-95) & Miscellanea Austriaca (1878-81); J. F. von Jacquin: Beyträge zur Geschichte der Vögel (1784)

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Adam, Jean Victor Vincent
Dates of birth and death: 1801 in Paris - 1866
Also known as: J. V. A. ; Victor Adam / Victor-Jean Vincent Adam / V. Adam ;
Worked for: Graf Emanuel (Mano) Andras(s)y (1821-1891); Carl Rechberg: Peuples de la Russie (1812-13); Cuvier: beschrijving der zoogdieren volgens Buffon (1843); Voyage pittoresque autour monde (1822);

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Adam, Lambert Sigisbert
Dates of birth and death: 1700 in Nancy - 1759
Also known as: L. S. A. ; Lamberto Sigisberto Adam l'aine / the Elder ;
Worked for: prof. surgery Francois Michel Disdier (1708-81): Planches anatomiques (1773) ;

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