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Abel, Gottlieb Friedrich
Dates of birth and death: 1750 / 1763 ? in Stuttgart - 1822
Also known as: G. F. A. ;
Worked for: Friedrich August Ludwig von Burgsdorf(f) (1747-1802) ; Karlsschule, Stuttgart ;

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Abel, Friedrich August
Dates of birth and death: 1780 fl. - 1800 fl.
Also known as: F. A. A. ;
Worked for: Friedrich August Ludwig von Burgsdorf (1747-1802) ;

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Aberdeen, William
Dates of birth and death: 1742 fl. - 1798
Also known as: W. A. ;
Worked for: map "A chart of the Orkney Islands" (1769) ;

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Aberg, Oskar Filip Emil
Dates of birth and death: 1864 in Uppsala - 1940
Also known as: O. F. E. A. ; O. F. E. Åberg ;
Worked for:  

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Abich, Otto Wilhelm Hermann
Dates of birth and death: 1806 in Berlin - 1886
Also known as: O. W. H. v. A. ; Guillaume-Hermann / Hermann Vilhelm / Willhelm von Abich ;
Worked for: Eduard Suess (1830-1914): Die Antlitz der Erde (1883-85) ;

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Abildgaard, Søren Pedersen
Dates of birth and death: 1718 in Flekkefjord, Norway - 1791
Also known as: S. P. A. ; Sören Abildgaard ;
Worked for: Jacob Langebeks (1710-1775) ; Otto Friderich Müller: Zoologiae Danicae (1776f.) ; S. A.: Stevens Klint und natürlichen Merkwürdigkeiten mineralogischen hymischen (1764) ;

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Abney, William de Wiveleslie
Dates of birth and death: 1843 in Derby - 1920
Also known as: W. d. W. A. ; W. A. d. W. ;
Worked for: W. W.: Instruction in Photography (London 1900) ; A New Developer, Photographic News (1880, 24: 345) ;

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Abondano, José Antonio
Dates of birth and death: 1799 fl. -  
Also known as: J. A. A. ;
Worked for: José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808): Flora de Bogotá 1952f ;

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Abumov, Grigory Matveyevich
Dates of birth and death: 1717 in Moscow - 1745
Also known as: G. M. A. ; Abakumov ;
Worked for: Kunstkamera, Saint Petersburg

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Acero, Lino José de
Dates of birth and death: 1788 in Santafé de Bogotá - 1817 fl.
Also known as: L. J. d. A. ;
Worked for: José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808): Flora de Bogotá (1952f. : 77 plates) ;

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