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Adolphy, Fritz
Dates of birth and death: 1884 in Bielefeld - 1954
Also known as: F. A. ;
Worked for: Gustav Büscher: Strahlen und Strahlenwunder (1940 & 2nd ed. 1951) ; Festes Wasser, flüssige Luft (1942) ; Buch der Wunder (1954) ; Forschung - für Dich, (1944) ;

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Aellen, Paul
Dates of birth and death: 1896 in Basel - 1973
Also known as: P. A. ; botanical shortname: Aellen ;
Worked for:  

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Aelst, Nicolas van
Dates of birth and death: 1526 / 1527 - 1613
Also known as: N. v. A. ; Nicolaus Van Aelst ;
Worked for: Speculum Romanae magnificentiae, omnia fere quaecunq. in urbe monumenta extant, partim iuxta antiquam, partim iuxta hodiernam formam accuratiss. delineata repraesentans Accesserunt non paucae, tum antiquarum, tum modernarum rerum Urbis figurae nunquam antehac aeditae, Rome 1546ff.

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Aessler, Jakob
Dates of birth and death: 1513 fl. -  
Also known as: J. A. ; Jakob Essler / Oessler ;
Worked for: map "Qvinta Asie tabvla" (Strasbourg 1513) ; Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geographicae Enarrationis Libri Octo ex Bilibaldi Pirckeymheri tralatione, sed ad Graeca & prisca exemplaria à Michaële Villanovano secundo recogniti & locis innumeris denuo castigati. Adiecta insuper ab eodem Scholia, quibus & difficilis ille Primus Liber nunc primum explicatur, & exoleta Urbium nomina ad nostri seculi morem exponuntur. Quinquaginta illae quoque cum veterum tum recentium Tabulae adnectuntur variisque incolentium ritus & mores explicantur. Accedit index locupletissimus hactenus non uisus (1513) ;

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Agassiz, Alexander Emanuel
Dates of birth and death: 1835 - 1910
Also known as: A. E. A. ;
Worked for: U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey ; Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard University) ; National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. ;

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Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe
Dates of birth and death: 1807 in Môtier-en-Vuly, Haut-Vully, Fribourg - 1873
Also known as: J. L. R. A. ; Louis Agassiz ;
Worked for: Louis Agassiz: Hist. nat. poissons d'eau douce (1845) ; Recherches sur les poissons fossiles (1833-45) ; Karl Christoph Vogt: Anatomie des Salmones (1845) ;

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Agassiz, Cécile Suzette °
Dates of birth and death: 1801 in Môtier-en-Vuly, Haut-Vully, Fribourg - 1891
Also known as: C. S. A. ;
Worked for: Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz: Poissons fossiles (1834) ;

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Agate, Alfred Thomas
Dates of birth and death: 1812 in Sparta, Westchester County, New York - 1846
Also known as: A. T. G. ; Alfred T. Agate ;
Worked for: Charles Wilkes: US Exploring Expedition 1845-76 ; L. E. Threlkeld: Key Structure Aboriginal Language (1850) ; botanist Asa Gray: Atlas Botany (1857) ;

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Aglio, Agostino
Dates of birth and death: 1777 in Cremona - 1857
Also known as: A. A. ;
Worked for: George Sinclair (1786-1834) ;

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Agnese, Battista Giovanni
Dates of birth and death: 1514 in the Republic of Genoa - 1556
Also known as: B. G. A.;
Worked for: early map of Muscovy (1525) ; Portolan Atlas (c. 1540) ; portolan maps (c. 1550) ;

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