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Acero, Lino José de
Dates of birth and death: 1788 in Santafé de Bogotá - 1817 fl.
Also known as: L. J. d. A. ;
Worked for: José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808): Flora de Bogotá (1952f. : 77 plates) ;

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Acharius, Erik
Dates of birth and death: 1757 in Gävle - 1819
Also known as: E A. ; botanical shortname: Ach ;
Worked for: Archiv für die Botanik (1769-1805) ; Lichenographiae Suecia prodromus (1798), Methodus lichenum (1803), Lichenographia universalis (1810), Monog. Pyrenula (1812) ; J. P. Westring: Svenska lafvarnes färghist (1805-8) ; C. F. Thunberg: Flora Capensis (1807-20) ;

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Achert, Fred
Dates of birth and death: 1847 - 1928
Also known as: F. A. ; Henderson-Achert-Krebs Lithography, Cincinnati ;
Worked for: Leo Lesquereux: Geology of Minnesota: Paleontology (1893) ; "Henderson & Achert resp. "Henderson-Achert-Krebs Lithography", Cincinnati ;

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Achiardi, Antonio
Dates of birth and death: 1839 in Pisa - 1902
Also known as: A. d.' A. ; D'Achiardi ;
Worked for: A. Achiardi: Coralli eocenici del Friuli (1875) ; Mineralogia della Toscana (1875) ; Guida al Corso di litologia (1888) ;

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Achilles, Charles
Dates of birth and death: 1830 fl. - 1864 / 1888 fl.
Also known as: C. A. ; Chs. Achilles ;
Worked for: George Busk (1807-1886) ; Francis Day (1829-1889) ; David Landsborough (1779-1854) ; John Morris (1810-1886) ; Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings... of the Zoological Society of London (London 1830-1964) ; Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London (1854) ;

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Ackerman, James
Dates of birth and death: 1813 in New York, USA - 1862 fl.
Also known as: J. A. ;
Worked for: John Torrey (1796-1873) ; zool. Baird ; entomol. Girard ; S.S. Haldemann; Floras Lexicon (1839) ;

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Ackermann, Rudolph
Dates of birth and death: 1764 in Stollberg, Saxony - 1834
Also known as: R. A. ;
Worked for: Ackermann: Thirty Studies from Nature (1812) ;

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Acqua, Giuseppe
Dates of birth and death: 1765 before - 1793 after
Also known as: G. d. A. ; dall' Acqua ; Dallacqua ;
Worked for: Antonio Alberti (= Antonio Barbalonga 1600-49) ; Giovanni Serafino Volta (1764-1842) ; Giovanni Battista Brocchi (1772-1826): Conchiologia fossile subappenina (1814) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1897 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Demetrius Alexander Pacha (1822-1914): Les lepreux ambulants de Constantinople (1897) ;

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Acton, Frances °
Dates of birth and death: 1793 (?) / 1794 - 1881
Also known as: F. A. ; née Knight ; Frances Stackhouse Acton ;
Worked for: Thomas Andrew Knight (1759-1838) ;

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