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Akeley, Carl Ethan
Dates of birth and death: 1864 in Clarendon, New York - 1926
Also known as: C. E. A. ;
Worked for: C. E. Akeley: In Brightest Africa (1923) ; Henry A. Ward: Catalogue of Casts of Fossils (1866) ;

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Aken, J.
Dates of birth and death: 1854 fl. -  
Also known as: J. v. A, ; van Aken ;
Worked for: Willem Hendrik de Vriese (1807-1862) ;

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Akerland, Erik
Dates of birth and death: 1754 - 1832
Also known as: E. A. ; E. Åkerland / Åkerlund ;
Worked for:  

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Akerlund / Åkerlund, Peter
Dates of birth and death: 1835 in Uppland - 1871
Also known as: P. A. ; Åkerlund ;
Worked for: botanist Elias Magnus Fries (1794-1878): Icones selectae Hymenomysectum nondum delineatorum (1867-77) ; ornithologist Carl J. Sundevall: Svenska Foglana (Stockholm 1856-86) ;

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Akerman / Åkerman, Anders
Dates of birth and death: 1721 - 1778
Also known as: A. A. ; Andrew / Åkerman / Andreas the Elder ;
Worked for: Uppsala Vetenskapssocietet as official graveur ; Atlas Juvenilis eller Samling af Geographiska kartor. Til ungdomens tjenst utgiven af Daniel Djurberg ... Med bifogade kartor, utgifne af gravören Anders Åkerman. Förtekning på kartorne: 1. Jordklotet. 2. Europa. ... 32. Polynesien (1768) ; Globus terraqueus [cartographic material] ; Mappa Geogr. R. Norvegiae, Eller Geogr. Charta öfwer K. R. Norrige ; Tabula totius orbis terrarum exhibens declinationes magneticas ; illustr. in various dissertations of students of Carl Linné, e.g., Planta Alströmeria, quam ... præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... in audit. Carol. maj. die XXIII. Jun. anni MDCCLXII. Horis ante merid. solitis proponet ... Johannes Petrus Falck, Vestrogothus ; Somnus plantarum in dissertatione academica propositus, consens. experient. Facult. Med. in Reg. acad. Upsaliensi, præside ... Carolo Linnæo ... a Petro Bremer, Helsingo. In audit. Gustav. d. X. Decembr. anni MDCCLV.

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Akrel, Frederick
Dates of birth and death: 1748 - 1804
Also known as: F. A. ; Fred / Fredrik or Fridrick ; F. Akrelius ;
Worked for:  

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al-Din, Shayk Zayn-al-Din
Dates of birth and death: 1750 c. - 1782 fl.
Also known as: S. Z. a.-D. ;
Worked for: Lady Impey, wife of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Calcutta ;

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Alais, Jean-Alexandre
Dates of birth and death: 1792 (1835 fl.) - 1850
Also known as: J.-A. A. ; J. A. Alais ; Allais ;
Worked for: Robert Sweet (1783-1835) ;

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Alava, Reino Olavi
Dates of birth and death: 1915 in Paimio, Finland - 1988 fl.
Also known as: R. O. A. ;
Worked for: illustrator of Edvard August Vainio's journey to Brazil in 1885 and his lichenes Brasilienses exsiccati ; Edvard August Vainio's types in TUR-V and other herbaria / Reino Alava (1988) ;

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Albán, Vicente
Dates of birth and death: 1750 c. - 1783 fl.
Also known as: V. A. ; Vicente / Vincente Alban / Albán ;
Worked for: José Celestino Mutis (1732-1808); Cuadros de Mestizaje (miscegenation paintings, a series of six unsigned paintings showing flowers, plants, fruits, animals & people from Spanish Americas);

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