Walker, John Dates of birth and death: 1759 - 1830
Also known as: J. W. ; John Walker sen. ; Worked for: explorer John Ross: Track of HMS Isabella & Alexander (1818/9) ; Alexander Caldcleugh: Travels in South America, during 1819-21 (1825) ; dermatologist Robert Willan (1757-1812): Descr. Cutaneous Diseases (1798-1808) ; J. W.: Elements of Geography & of Natural & Civil History (1795ff.) ;
Walker, John Dates of birth and death: 1786 in London - 1873
Also known as: J. W. ; John Walker Jun. ; Worked for: The Indian Atlas (1828ff.) ; James Rennell: Charts of the Prevalent Currents in the Atlantic Ocean (1832) ; Arthur Mills: India (London 1858, with Revenue map of India) ;
Walker, Charles Dates of birth and death: 1799 in London - 1872
Also known as: C. W. ;Worked for: Geological Map of England, Wales & Part of Scotland, showing also the inland navigation by means of Rivers & Canals, with their elevation in feet above the sea ; map Harbour of Gotienburg including Winga Sound (1811) ;
Walker, John Dates of birth and death: 1748 fl. -
Also known as: J. W. ; Worked for: A. Hinton: The Cause of Exclipses & the Motion of the Earth Delineated. The Eclipse of the Sun as it will appear at London on July 14, 1748 ;
Walker, Anthony Dates of birth and death: 1726 - 1765
Also known as: A. W. ;Worked for: Accurate Map of England & Wales ; Accurate Map of Carmarthen Shire Drawn from an Actual Survey, with various Improvements. Illustrated with Historical Extracts relative to the Air, Soil, Natural produce, Trade & Manufactures ; Carte topographique de le Comté de Berks ; The Complete Drawing Book (1757) ;
Walker, William Dates of birth and death: 1729 in Thirsk near Nottingham, England - 1793
Also known as: W. W. ;Worked for: Sandby: Views in England and Wales ; Throsby: Views in Leicestershire ; George Richardson: Iconology (1779) ; Harrison: Classics ;
Walker, Ada Hill ° Dates of birth and death: 1876 fl. in London - 1923 fl.
Also known as: A. H. W. ; Worked for: William Carmichael McIntosh (1838-1931)
Walker, Charles Alvah Dates of birth and death: 1848 in Loudon, NH - 1920
Also known as: C. A. W. ; Charles A. Walker ; Worked for: Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History (Boston 1866-1928) ; Peabody Academy of Science at Salem ;