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Wall, Clifford
Dates of birth and death:   -  
Also known as: C. W. ;
Worked for: South Australian Government Printing Office ; botanist Clarke, George H. (1895-1949 after): Important Weeds of South Australia (1949) ;

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Walla, Jos. / József ??
Dates of birth and death: 1844 c. in Pest, nowadays Budapest - 1907 after
Also known as: J. W. ;
Worked for: Ludwig Johann Georg Friedrich von Ammon (1850-1922) ; Karl Alfred von Zittel (1839-1904) ;

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Wallace, J.
Dates of birth and death: 1860 fl. - 1880 fl.
Also known as: J. W. ;
Worked for: Edward James Ravenscroft (1816-1890) ;

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Wallace, Alfred Russel
Dates of birth and death: 1823 Llanbadoc nr Usk, Monmouthshire, Wales - 1913
Also known as: A. R. W. ;
Worked for: Wallace: The Malay Archipelago (1869) & Darwinism (1889) ; Charles Lyell ; Charles Darwin ;

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Wallace, E. M.
Dates of birth and death:   -  
Also known as: E. M. W. ;
Worked for: A. H. Sturtevant: The North American species of Drosophila
(Washington 1921) ; T. H. Morgan, C.B. Bridges & A. H. Sturtevant: Contributions to the Genetics of Drosophila Metalogaster (Washington, D.C. 1919) ;

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Wallace, Donald Ian Mackenzie
Dates of birth and death: 1933 in Norfolk, England - 2021
Also known as: I. W. ; commonly known as Ian Wallace ;
Worked for: Hume, Robert Arthur (*1950): Birds by Character – Britain & Europe: A Fieldguide to Jizz (London: Macmillan, 1990) ;

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Wallace, Ian
Dates of birth and death: 1999 fl. - 2000 fl.
Also known as: I. W. ;
Worked for:  

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Walle, J. J.
Dates of birth and death: 1949 fl. -  
Also known as: J. J. v. d. W. ; van der Walle ;
Worked for: Hermann Werner Siemens (1891-1969): Allgemene dermatologie, diagnostiek en therapie (1949) ;

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Waller, F.
Dates of birth and death: 1860 fl. - 1880 fl.
Also known as: F. W. ;
Worked for: Wolfgang Helmhard von Hoberg (1612-1688) ;

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Waller, Richard
Dates of birth and death: 1650 / 1661 ?? in Horsham ??? - 1714
Also known as: R. W. ; Rich. Waller ;
Worked for: secretary of the Royal Society (1687-1714) ; Edward Tyson (1650/51-1708) ;

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