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Walcott, Mary Morris Vaux °
Dates of birth and death: 1860 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - 1940
Also known as: M. M. V. W. ; Mary Vaux ;
Worked for: M. Walcott: North American Wild Flowers (1925) ; Smithsonian Institution: North American Pitcher-Plants (1935) ;

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Walcott, John
Dates of birth and death: 1778 fl. in Bath or in Highnam Court, Gloucester - 1831 ?
Also known as: J. W. ;
Worked for: Descriptions and figures of petrifications found in the Quarries, gravel-pits &c. near Bath (Bath 1779) ; The figures, descriptions and history of exotic animals, comprised under the classes Amphibia and Pisces of Linnaeus (London 1788f.) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1800 fl. - 1820 fl.
Also known as:  
Worked for: Denkschriften der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zuMünchen (1808-24) ;

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Waldnelius, Johannes
Dates of birth and death: 1614 -  
Also known as: John Woutneel ;
Worked for: Crispyn van de Passe (1589/98-1670), called Passe the Younger ;

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Waldseemüller, Martin
Dates of birth and death: 1472 / 1475 in Wolfenweiler near Freiburg i. Br. - 1520
Also known as: M. W. ; Waltzemüller / Waldseemüller / Waldseemuller / Hylacomylus / Ilacomilus ;
Worked for: creator of the first world map containing the name America (1507, introduction „Einführung in die Kosmografie" by Matthias Ringmann) ; Tabula moderna Germaniae (1513) ;

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Wale, Samuel
Dates of birth and death: 1721 London / Great Yrmouth, Norfolk - 1786
Also known as: S. W. ;
Worked for: John Hill (1716/17-1775): British Herbal 1756 ; Richard Pococke (1704-1765) ;

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Walker, Edward
Dates of birth and death: 1771 fl. - 1784 fl.
Also known as: E. W. ;
Worked for: Joseph Banks & Daniel Carl Solander: Banks Florilegium 1771-1784 ;

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Walker, John
Dates of birth and death: 1759 - 1830
Also known as: J. W. ; John Walker sen. ;
Worked for: explorer John Ross: Track of HMS Isabella & Alexander (1818/9) ; Alexander Caldcleugh: Travels in South America, during 1819-21 (1825) ; dermatologist Robert Willan (1757-1812): Descr. Cutaneous Diseases (1798-1808) ; J. W.: Elements of Geography & of Natural & Civil History (1795ff.) ;

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Walker, John
Dates of birth and death: 1786 in London - 1873
Also known as: J. W. ; John Walker Jun. ;
Worked for: The Indian Atlas (1828ff.) ; James Rennell: Charts of the Prevalent Currents in the Atlantic Ocean (1832) ; Arthur Mills: India (London 1858, with Revenue map of India) ;

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Walker, Charles
Dates of birth and death: 1799 in London - 1872
Also known as: C. W. ;
Worked for: Geological Map of England, Wales & Part of Scotland, showing also the inland navigation by means of Rivers & Canals, with their elevation in feet above the sea ; map Harbour of Gotienburg including Winga Sound (1811) ;

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