Walter / Walther, Johann Jacob / Jakob Dates of birth and death: 1604 in Strasburgh / Strasbourg - 1676 or 1677
Also known as: J. W. ; Johann Jacob / Jakob Walter / WaltherWorked for: Count Johann Graf von Nassau-Idstein (1603-1676): Florilège jardin extraordinaire; , BNF , Dept. des estampes et de la photographie, Manuscrits. Rés. Ja-25-Fol., (ed. by Laure Beaumont-Maillet: Anthèse, 1993) in German transl.: Das Florilegium von Nassau-Idstein (Darmstadt 2019), in Engl. version: So many sweet flowers, a 17th c. florilegium, (ed. by Gill Saunders), (London, 1997),; Das Vogelbuch nach den Tafeln d. Graphischen Sammlung Albertina in Wien, ed. by Armin Geus (Dortmund, 1982) ; Karl Patina = Carolum Patinum: Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata [...], Argentinae, 1671 ;
Walther, W. G. Dates of birth and death: 1910 fl. - 1930 fl.
Also known as: W. G. W. ;Worked for: Nova Guinea. Uitkomsten der Nederlandsche Nieuw-Guinea Expeditie in 1903 ... (Leiden 1906-36)
Walther / Walter, Johann Jakob Dates of birth and death: 1604 c. in Saxony - 1677 / 1679 ?
Also known as: J. J. W. ; Jacob Walter / Johannes Jakob Walter ; Jean Jacques Walter / WaltherWorked for: Nassau-Idstein Florilegium (1652-66, c. 200 paintings) ; Vogelbuch (ed. 1982) ;
Walther-Hecker, Elfriede ° Dates of birth and death: 1919 - 1980 c.
Also known as: E. W. ; Elfriede Walther, née Hecker ; Worked for: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, since 1956 as head of the moulages workshop ;
Walton, Elijah Dates of birth and death: 1832 in Birmingham - 1880
Also known as: E. A. ;Worked for: Flowers from the upper Alps (London 1869) ; The camal, its anatomy, proportions, and paces (London 1865) ;