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Vallet, Louis
Dates of birth and death: 1635 fl. -  
Also known as: L. V. ;
Worked for: Johann Theodor de Bry (1561-1623) ; Pierre Vallet (ca. 1575-c. 1657) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1830 fl. - 1840 fl.
Also known as:  
Worked for: Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz (1807-1873)

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Vallisnieri, Antonio
Dates of birth and death: 1661 in Trassilico near Garfagnana - 1730
Also known as: A. V. ;
Worked for: Considerazioni, ed esperienze intorno al creduto cervello di bue impietrito ... (Padua 1710) ; Considerazioni, ed esperienze intorno alla generazione de' vermi ordinarj del corpo umano (Padua 1710) ; Esperienze, ed osservazioni intorno all'origine, sviluppi, e costumi di varj insetti (Padua 1713) ; De' corpi marini che su' Monti si trovano; della loro origine, e dello stato del mondo avanti il Diluvio, nel Diluvio, e dopo il Diluvio (Venice 1721) ; Historie von der Erzeugung der Menschen und Thiere ... (Lempo 1739) ; Opere Fisico-Mediche stampate e manoscritte (Venice 1733) ; Istoria della generazione dell'uomo, e degli animali, se sia da'vermicelli spermatici, o dalle uova, con un trattato nel fine della sterilità, e dei suoi rimedj (Padua 1713) ; Nuove osservazioni, ed esperienze intorno all'ovaja scoperta né vermi tondi dell'uomo, e de' vitelli (Padua 1713) ; Prima raccolta d'osservationi e d'esperienze (Venice 1710) ;

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Valperga, Luigi
Dates of birth and death: 1755 in Turin - 1819 after
Also known as: L. V. ;
Worked for: George Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788) ;

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Valvani, Claudio
Dates of birth and death: 1770 c. - 1805 fl.
Also known as: C. V. ;
Worked for: -> F. Fontana & anatomical wax figure cabinet at La Specola, Florence, Italy ;

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Valvile, G. Moreau
Dates of birth and death: 1806 fl. -  
Also known as: M. M. V. ;
Worked for: Jean-Louis Marc Alibert (1768-1837): Descr. maladies peau a l'Hopital Saint-Louis (1806) ; Nosologie (1817) ;

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van den Keere, Pieter
Dates of birth and death: 1571 in Ghent, then Flanders, nowadays Belgium - 1646 or later
Also known as: P. v. . K. ; Peter / Petrus Kaerius ;
Worked for: John Norden: Speculum Britanniae (London 1593) ; John Speed's Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the Worl (1646) ; Ubbo Emmius map ;

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van der Meulen, Adam Frans
Dates of birth and death: 1632 in Brussels, Belgium - 1690
Also known as: A. F. v. d. M. ;
Worked for:  

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van der Put, Adrian
Dates of birth and death: 1896 - 1970 fl.
Also known as: A. V. / A. v. d. P. ; Adrián / Adrianus / Vander Put ;
Worked for: Asma. Como evitarla y suprimirla, las verdaderas causas del asma, como calmar los ataques ; Curas de urgencia. Primeros auxilios para evitar grandes daños o salvar la vida ; Plantas medicinales. Las enfermedades y su tratamiento por las plantas (1970) ; Vitaminas. Salud, energía y vigor por la alimentación ; Moderna Medicina Natural ;

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van der Willigen, Volkert Simon Maarten
Dates of birth and death: 1822 in Rotterdam - 1878
Also known as: V. S. M. v. d. W. ; Volcardus Simon Martinus van der Willigen ;
Worked for: teacher at the Latin school in Amsterdam ; then professor in the mathematics and physics and philosophy at Athenaeum Illustre in Deventer, later at Teylers Museum in Haarlem ;

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