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Ukhtomsky, Andrei Grigorjewitsch
Dates of birth and death: 1771 - 1852
Also known as: A. G. U. ; Andrej Grigor'evič Uchtomskij ;
Worked for: Atlas of Krusenstern's circumnavigation 1813

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Ullmann, Gyula
Dates of birth and death: 1872 in Pest - 1926
Also known as: G. U. ;
Worked for: Gustav Wilhelm Müller (1857-1940) ;

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Ulmer, Oscar Erwin
Dates of birth and death: 1888 in Hamburg - 1963 / 1964
Also known as: O. E. U. ; Oskar Ulmer / O. Ulmer ;
Worked for: Genera insectorum (Bruxelles 1902-1963) ;

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Ulrich, Heinrich
Dates of birth and death: 1542 ?, baptized 1567 in Nuremburg - 1621
Also known as: H. U. ;
Worked for: duke of Braunschweig ; Basilius Besler (1561-1629): Hortus Eystettensis (1613) ; Christoph Fabius Brechtel ; Paul Kauffmann: Virtvtis & Honoris oder Tugend Büchlein (Nuremberg 1606) ;

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Ulrich, Edward Oscar
Dates of birth and death: 1851 in Covington, Kentucky - 1944
Also known as: E. O. U. ; Edward Ulrich ;
Worked for: Geological Survey of Illinois. Geology Paleontology (1890, vol. 8) ; Newton H. Winchell: Geological Natural History Survey Minnesota (1895) ;

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Ulyanin, Vasilij Nik.
Dates of birth and death: 1840 - 1889
Also known as: V. N. U. ; Vas. Nik. Ulyanin ;
Worked for: Die Arten der Gattung Doliolum im Golfe von Neapel und den angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitten (Neapel 1884) ; Rakoobraznyia (Crustacea) (St. Petersburg & Moscow 1875)

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Underwood, Thomas Richard
Dates of birth and death: 1772 or 1765 - 1835 or 1836
Also known as: T. R. U. ; Thom. R. U. ;
Worked for: Philip Rashleigh (1729-1811): Specimens British Minerals (vol. 2 (1802)) ;

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Unger, Joseph
Dates of birth and death: 1785 in Au near Munich - 1841 after
Also known as: J. U. ;
Worked for: Philipp Franz Siebold (1796-1866) ; Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini (1797-1848) ; Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz (1807-1873) ; Johann Baptist von Spix (1781-1826) ; Peter Alexandrovich Tchihatcheff (1808-1890) ;

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Unger, Friedrich
Dates of birth and death: 1811 in Hof in Bayern - 1858
Also known as: F. U. ;
Worked for: Karl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794-1868) ;

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Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus
Dates of birth and death: 1800 auf Gut Amthofen near Leutschach, Styria - 1870
Also known as: F. J. A. N. U. ; Franz Unger ;
Worked for: Andrew Pritchard (1804-1882) ; Reinhard Richter (1813-1884) & F. J. A. N. Unger: Beitrag zur Paläontologie des Thüringer Waldes (Wien 1856) ;

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