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Page 1260 of 1367
Varelst, Simon
Dates of birth and death: 1604 in Antwerp - 1651
Also known as: S. V. ; Verelst / Verelst the Elder ;
Worked for: Sir Arthur Church ;

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Varges, Helene °
Dates of birth and death: 1877 in Stettin, nowadays Szczecin in Poland - 1946
Also known as: H. V. ;
Worked for: Franz Johann Theodor Doflein (1873-1924) ;

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Variana, Anna Maria °
Dates of birth and death: 1646 fl. -  
Also known as: A. M. V. ;
Worked for: Giovanni Battista Ferrari (1584-1655) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1600 fl. -  
Also known as: Gouarin
Worked for:  

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Varin, Joseph
Dates of birth and death: 1796 in Châlons/Marne, since 1997 C.-en-Champagne - 1834
Also known as: J. V. ;
Worked for: Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle (Paris 1839-49) ;

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Varin, Charles-Nicolas
Dates of birth and death: 1741 in Châlons-en-Champagne - 1812
Also known as: C. N. V. ; signed N. C. Varin del. et sculp. ;
Worked for: Dom Sébastien Dieudonné: Le cabinet de Courtagnon .... avec une discours préliminaire sur l'histoire naturelle des fossiles de Campagne (Chalons 1763) ; Encyclopédie élémentaire, ou Introduction à l'étude des lettres, des sciences et des arts ; Carte de la France divisée en 88 départements et subdivisée en districts avec les chefs lieux de cantons présentée à l'Assemblée nationale ; Plan Routier de la Ville de Chaalons ; Vuë de la Coste de Sorrente prise sur le Golphe de Naples près du lieu appellé Massa ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1796 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Patrick Russel (1727-1805)

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Varley, Mrs °
Dates of birth and death: 1851 fl. -  
Also known as: Mrs Delvalle, née --> Lowry ;
Worked for: Joseph Wilson Lowry (1803-1879) ;

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Vasari, Giorgio
Dates of birth and death: 1511 - 1574
Also known as: G. V. ;
Worked for: Florentine physician Baccio Rontini ;

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Vase, Pierre
Dates of birth and death: 1520 / 1530 c. - 1590
Also known as: P. V. ; Pierre Eskrich / P. Krug / P. Cruche ;
Worked for: Guillaume Rondelet (1507-1566)

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