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Vasey, George
Dates of birth and death: 1822 in Scarborough, Yorkshire - 1893
Also known as: G. V. ;
Worked for: Thomas Bell (1792-1880) ; Illustrierte Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs (Leipzig 1847-48) ; Delineations of the ox tribe (London 1851) ; William Yarrel (1784-1856) ;

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Vass, Ingeborg M. °
Dates of birth and death: 1923 in Austria - 1993
Also known as: I. M. V. ; Mrs. ;
Worked for: Georg Switzer ; Waldemar T. Schaller (+1968) ; R. V. Dietrich: Tourmaline Group ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1830 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Vincenzo Barone Cesati (1806-1883) ;

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Vasset, A.
Dates of birth and death: 1780 fl. - 1840 fl.
Also known as: A. V. ;
Worked for: Pierre Joseph Rédouté (1759-1840) ; The Floral Register (London 1825/51) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1758 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Francois-Michel Disdier: Exposition exacte ou tableaux anatomiques 1758

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Vatagin, V. A.
Dates of birth and death: 1940 fl. -  
Also known as: V. A. V. ;
Worked for: Aleksandr Nikolaevič Formozov (1899-1973) & B. Shitkov

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Vater, Abraham
Dates of birth and death: 1684 in Wittenberg - 1751
Also known as: A. V. ;
Worked for: A.V.: Ad orationem inauguralem de anatomico acerbius castigato, qua munus professoris medicinae ordinarii clementissime sibi demandatum more maiorum capessit d.XVIII. Dec. anno MDCCXIX (1719) ; Dissertatio anatomica (1720); Museum anatomicum proprium in quo omnis generis nitidissima praeparata anatomica ; Syllabus plantarum potissimum exoticarum quae in horto medico Academiae Wittenbergensis aluntur; Catalogus plantarum inprimis exoticarum horti academici Wittenbergensis (1721–1724) ; Catalogus Variorum Exoticorum Rarissimorum Maximam Partem Incognitorum (Wittenberg 1726) ; Das Blatter-Beltzen oder due Art u. Weise, die Blattern durch künstliche Einpfropffung zu erwecken (Wittenberg 1721) ; Ausführliche Nachricht Von der Beschaffenheit u. Success des Blatter-Beltzens in Neu-Engelland ; Brief aan ... Fredrik Ruysch aangaande de kringswyze spier in den bodem van de baermoeder ontdeckt ; Casus singularis polypi post febrem epidemiam ex utero egressi physiologice et pathologice consideratus ; Catalogus plantarum imprimis exoticarum horti academici Wittenbergensis in usum auditorum

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Vaughan, Robert
Dates of birth and death: 1597 - 1663
Also known as: R. V. ; Rob. Vaughan ;
Worked for: Robert Morison (1620-1683): Plantarum historiæ universalis Oxoniensis. Pars secunda seu herbarum distributio nova, per tabulas cognationis & affinitatis ex libro naturæ observata & detecta, Oxford 1680-99; Elias Ashmole: Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, 1652; W. Dugdale: The antiquities of Warwickshire, 1656; History of the Low-Countrey warres

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Vaughan, William
Dates of birth and death: 1577 - 1641
Also known as: W. V. ;
Worked for: Doctor William Vaughan's Newfoundlande ; Cambrensium Caroleia. Quibus… (1625) ; The golden fleece divided (1626) ; copper engraver Francis Barlow (1626 c. -1702/ 1704) used Vaughan's drawings in later prints c. 1664 ;

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Vaugondy, Gilles Robert
Dates of birth and death: 1688 - 1766
Also known as: G. R. d. V. ; de Vaugondy ; Le Sieur / Monsieur Robert ;
Worked for: G. R. d. V. & Didier Robert De Vaugondy: The Atlas Universel (Paris 1757) ; map "Japan" (Paris 1750) ;

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