Zeiller, Paul (I) Dates of birth and death: 1820 - 1893
Also known as: P. Z. ; Paul Zeiller sen / the Elder / Zeiller SR. ; Worked for: Ignaz Döllinger (1770-1841) ; Eugen Schneider ; M. P. Erdl ;
Zeiller, Gustav Dates of birth and death: 1826 - 1904
Also known as: G. Z. ; Worked for: his own model workshop in Breslau in the 1850s, moved to Dresden in 1872
Zeiller, Paul (II) Dates of birth and death: 1851 - 1923
Also known as: P. Z. ; P. Zeller jun. / Paul IIWorked for: Heinz Ströbel & Adolf Schlemmer: Entwicklung und Geburt des Menschen. Handbuch für Krankenschwestern, Hebammen und Mütter (1944) ;
Zeiller, Paul Dates of birth and death: 1880 in Munich, Bavaria, Germany - 1915
Also known as: P. Z. ; Paul Zeillier III ;Worked for: Munich dermatological clinic ;
Zeitter, John Christian Dates of birth and death: 1824 fl. born in Germany? or Holland - 1862
Also known as: J. C. Z. ; J. Zeitter; / Johann Christian Zeitter ;Worked for: Frederick William Beechey (1796-1856): The Zoology of Capt. Beechey's Voyage Pacific Behring Straits London 1839) ; William Buckland (1784-1856) ; Georges Léopold Chrétien Fréderick Dagobert, Baron de Cuvier (1769-1832) ; William Kitchen Parker (123-1890) ; Transactions of the Zoological Society of London (London 1833-1965) ; ET Bennett; Richard Owen ;
Zelinka, Carl Dates of birth and death: 1858 in Mahrenberg in Styria - 1931
Also known as: C. Z. ; Worked for: Monographie der Echinodera (Leipzig 1928) ; Ergebnisse der in dem Atlantischen Ocean von Mitte Juli bis Anfang November 1889 ausgeführten Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung. vol. Ha: Die Rotatorien (Kiel und Leipzig 1907) ;
Zell, Johann Michael Dates of birth and death: 1740 in Nuremberg - 1815
Also known as: J. M. Z. ; I. A. Zell ;Worked for: entomologist Johann Christian Gerning (1745-1802) ; Marie-Dominique-Joseph Engramelle (1727-1805): Papillons d'Europe Paris 1779-93) ; Georg Chr. Götz: Fortsezung Zergliederter Muschelwerke
Zeller, Sebestyén Dates of birth and death: 1740 fl. in Bratislava - 1777 fl.
Also known as: S. Z. ; Sebastian Zeller ;Worked for: Matthias Bel & Sámuel Mikoviny: Compendium Geographicum; Tabula Nova Inclyti Regni Hungariae (1779) ; János Tomka-Szászky (1700-62): Parvus Atlas Hungariae (1751) ;
Zeng , Xiao Lian Dates of birth and death: 1939 in Kunming, Yunnan Province -
Also known as: X. L. Z. ; Xiaolian Zeng ;Worked for: senior engineer of the Botanical Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences ; "Flora of China” ; “Flora and Rhododendrons Yunnan ; Kunming Institute of Botany ;