Zumbo , Gaetano Giulio Dates of birth and death: 1656 in Syracuse - 1701
Also known as: G. Z. ; Zummo ; Worked for: physician Guillaume Desnoues (1650-1735); medici family, esp. Cosimo III (1642-1723) & Ferdinando (1663-1713);
Zumpe, Gustav Adolf Ludwig Dates of birth and death: 1793 in Dresden - 1854
Also known as: G. A. L. Z. ; Worked for: Roberto de Visiani (1800-1878) ; Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig Reichenbach (1793-1879) ; Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869) ; Nova Acta physico-medica Academiae Caesareae (Leopoldinao-Carolinae) Naturae Curiosorum. Band 9-63 (1818-1899); Julius Dietz: Icones sepiarum, ibid. 12,1 (1824): 313-322; Johann Friedrich Rossmaesler / Roßmäßler / (1775-1858): Sachsens Fürsten in wohlgetroffenen Bildnissen, Leipzig ;
Zürner, Adam Friedrich Dates of birth and death: 1679 - 1742
Also known as: A. F. Z. ;Worked for: maps such as Asiae in tabula geographica delineatio ; Partie méridionale du Cercle de Haute Saxe ; Vlakke Aard-kloot met het beide hemelsch half-rond, of de onderscheidene verbeelding van de land-water-waereld ;
Zwecker, Johann Baptist Dates of birth and death: 1814 in Frankfurt am Main - 1876
Also known as: J. B. Z. ;Worked for: Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913): Geographical Distribution of Animals (London 1876) ; John George Wood: Insects at Home (1872) & Insects Abroad (1874) ; Hartwig, Guernsey & Heron: Polar Tropical Worlds (1875) ; Pierre Amédee Pichot (1841-1921) ; Frederick Whymper (1838-1901) ; John George Wood (1827-1889) ; Album de l'Histoire Naturelle (Paris 1902) ;
Zweifel, Frances Wimsatt ° Dates of birth and death: 1961 fl. - 1988 fl.
Also known as: F. W. Z. ;Worked for: A handbook of biological illustration (Chicago 1961, 2nd: 1988) ;
Zweig, G. Dates of birth and death: 1862 fl. -
Also known as: G. Z. ; Worked for: mathematician and topologist Johann Listing ; Abhandl. Göttingen 1862 (2 plates) ;
Zweigle, Walter Dates of birth and death: 1859 in Stuttgart - 1904
Also known as: W. Z. ; Walther Zweigle ; Worked for: Carl Gustav Otto Christian Wrangel (1839-1908) ;