Zettnow, Hugo Oskar Emil Dates of birth and death: 1842 in Loetzen (Giżycko), nowadays Poland - 1927
Also known as: E. Z. ; Aemilius / Emil Zettnow ;Worked for: Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch (1843-1910) ; Pflanzenbeschreibungen für den Schulunterricht. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung derjenigen Pflanzen, die aus dem Humboldthain in Berlin den städtischen Schulen geliefert werden (Berlin 1881) ; E.Z.: Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen (10 vol.s, Jena 1907-09) ;
Zglinicka, H. Dates of birth and death: 1890 fl. - 1900 fl.
Also known as: H. v. Z. ; von ZglinickaWorked for: Eduard Karl von Martens (1831-1904): Land and Freshwater Mollusca (London 1890-1901) ; E.K.v.M. & Johannes Thiele (1860-1935) ; Genera insectorum (Bruxelles 1902-1963)
Zglinicki, Friedrich Dates of birth and death: 1895 in Berlin - 1986
Also known as: F. v. Z. ; Friedrich Pruß (Pruss) von Zglinicki / -nicki ;Worked for: Die Uroskopie in der bildenden Kunst. Eine kunst- und medizinhistorische Untersuchung über die Harnschau. Mit einer Einführung von Carl Erich Alken (Darmstadt 1982) ;
Zhang, Chen Dates of birth and death: 1690 fl. - 1706 fl.
Also known as: C. Z. ; 陳 璋 / Worked for: pictures of animals, among them a giraffe after the picture of Shen Du / Tu (1357-1434)
Zhang , Tai-li ° Dates of birth and death: 1838 -
Also known as: T.-L. Z. ; Worked for: department of plant taxonomy in the Institute of Botany ; Over 1.000 of her drawings were reproduced in "Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinae".
Zhizao, Li Dates of birth and death: 1565 - 1630
Also known as: L. Z. ; Zhizao Li / Chih-tsao / Chen-chih / Wo-tsʻun / Wocun / Lianganjushi / Lianganyimin / 凉庵居士 / 凉庵逸民 ;Worked for: A world map of Jesuit Missionary and astronomer Matteo Ricci (1552-1610): the "Kunyu wanguo quantu", or Map of the Ten Thousand Countries of the Earth ; it is a xylograph (wood block print) on six panels of fine native paper (made with bamboo fiber), each panel measuring c. 1820 x 3650 mm ;
Zick, Stephan Dates of birth and death: 1639 in Nuremberg - 1715
Also known as: S. Z. ;Worked for: Daniel Bscherer & Johann Georg Volkamer: Kurtze und mechanische Beschreibung dieses Kunst-Auges, so nach den Gebäu eines natürlichen Menschen-Auges, wie dasselbe bey der Zergliederung e. durch den Strang erwürgten Menchen-Cörpers (Nuremberg c. 1680), describing S. Z's model of an eye ;
Ziegler, Friedrich Dates of birth and death: 1860 - 1936
Also known as: F. Z. ; Worked for: Wilhelm His ; Ernst Haeckel: Atelier für wissenschaftliche Unterrichtsmodelle (Studio for Scientific Teaching Models) ;
Ziegler, Adolf / Adolph Dates of birth and death: 1820 - 1898 or 1889
Also known as: A. Z. ; Adolf / AdolphWorked for: Jan Purkynë (Prague) ; Alexander Ecker, prof. of physiology at Freiburg and prof. of zoology August Weismann ; Wilhelm His ; Ernst Haeckel ;