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Page 1280 of 1368
Volkmann, Alfred Wilhelm
Dates of birth and death: 1801 in Zschortau / Leipzig - 1877
Also known as: A. W. V. ;
Worked for: Anatomia animalium tabulis illustrata (Leipzig 1831-33) ;

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Volkmer, Ottomar
Dates of birth and death: 1839 in Olmütz - 1901
Also known as: O. v. V. ; (Othmar) von Volkmer ;
Worked for: Kartographie, Reproductions-Methoden sowie maschinelle Druckvorrichtungen (1878 & 1890) ; Technik der Reproduction von Militär-Karten und Plänen (Verlag des k.k. technischen & administrativen Militär-Comités: Wien 1880) ; Neue Arbeiten im Gebiete der Photographie & der graphischen Künste (Vienna) ;

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Vollenhoven, Samuel ConstantSam
Dates of birth and death: 1816 in Rotterdam - 1880
Also known as: S. C. S. v. V. ; Samuel Constantinus Snellen van Vollenhoven / Sam. Const. Snellen van Vollenhoven ;
Worked for: De inlansche Bladwespen in hare gedaante-verwisseling en levenswijze beshreven (s'Gravenhage 1857-80) ; Essai d'une Faune entomologique de l'archipel Indo-Néerlandais (La Haye 1863) ; Gedaanteverwisseling en levenswijze der insekten (Haarlem 1870) ; Hemiptera heteroptera Neerlandica (s'Gravenhage 1878) ; Overzigt der gelede Dieren (Haarlem & Amsterdam 1859-1860/61) ; Pinacographia (s'Gravenhage 1875-1880) ; Schetsen ten gebruicke bij de Studie der Hymenoptera (s'Gravenhage 1868-73) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1870 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: John George Wood (1827-1889) ;

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Vollrath, Otto
Dates of birth and death: 1856 in Saalfeld, Thuringia - 1912
Also known as: O. V. ;
Worked for: Richard Hesse (1868-1944): Tierbau und Tierleben (1910) ; Franz Doflein: Das Tier als Glied des Naturganzen (1914) ;

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Volmar, Joseph Simon
Dates of birth and death: 1796 in Bern - 1865
Also known as: J. S. V. ; Jos. Volmar ;
Worked for: Anatomischer Atlas des Pferdes (Bern 1832-34) ;

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Volpaia, Benvenuto di Lorenzo
Dates of birth and death: 1486 - 1550
Also known as: B. d. L. V. ;
Worked for: Libro di Macchine Diverse, 1520-1524, kept in Venice at Bibl. Marziana;

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Volpini, Giovanni Battista
Dates of birth and death: 1664 fl. -  
Also known as: G. B. V. ;
Worked for: Catalogo del Museo Settala ;

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Voltmann, W.
Dates of birth and death: 1772 fl. in Groningen -  
Also known as: W. V. ;
Worked for: Johannes van Lier (1726-1799)

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Voltz, Johann Friedrich
Dates of birth and death: 1817 in Nördlingen - 1886
Also known as: J. F. V. ; Joh. Fried. Voltz / Joh. Friedrich Voltz ;
Worked for: Abbildungen der bei dem landwirtschaftlichen Feste zu Canstadt im September 1852 aufgestellten Rindvieh-Stämme (Stuttgart 1853) ;

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