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Vishnupersaud / Vishnuprasad,  
Dates of birth and death: 1800 c. - 1840 fl.
Also known as: V. P. ; Vishnu Prasad / Bishnoopersaud ;
Worked for: Francis Buchanan(-Hamilton) (1762-1829): In Burma, Bangladesh & Calcutta ; Nathanial Wallich (= Nathan Wolff) (1786-1854): Plantae Asiaticae (1829-32) ; John Forbes Royle: Botany of the Himalayan & Cashmere (1833-40) ; Francis Buchanan & William Lloyd Gibbons collections ; Plantae Asiaticae Rariores, publ. 1830-32:;

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Visscher, Claes Jansz.
Dates of birth and death: 1550 in Amsterdam - 1612
Also known as: C. J. V. ; Nicolas-Joannis Visscher / Visscher the Elder ;
Worked for:  

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Visscher, Claes Jansz.
Dates of birth and death: 1586 - 1652
Also known as: C. J. V. ; Visscher de Jonghe / the Younger ;
Worked for: Assuwerus van Londerseel (fl. 1570/94) ; Nicolaes de Bruyn (c. 1550-1656) ;

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Visscher, Lambert
Dates of birth and death: 1633 in Amsterdam or in Haarlem - 1690 after
Also known as: L. V. ;
Worked for: Jakob Breyn (1637-1697) ;

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Visscher, Nicolaes
Dates of birth and death: 1618 in Amsterdam - 1679
Also known as: N. V. ; Nicolaes Visscher I / Visscher aîné ;
Worked for: Hispaniae et Portugalliae regna per Nicolaum Visscher (c. 1688) ; Germania Inferior ; c. 200 maps ; map "Ducatus Wurtembergensis cum adjacentibus quibusdam Sueviae Regionisbus" (c. 1680) ;

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Visscher, Nicolaes Jansz.
Dates of birth and death: 1649 - 1702
Also known as: N. J. V. ; Nicolaes Visscher II ; Nicolaus Visscher JR. ;
Worked for: Atlas Contractus ; Atlas Minor ; Germania Inferior ; c. 200 maps ;

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Visto, J. P.
Dates of birth and death: 1832 fl. - 1861 fl.
Also known as: J. P. V. ; Vista / Vistau ;
Worked for: Jean Victor Audouin (1797-1841) ; Gaspard Jos. Martin-Saint-Ange (1803-1888) & Alexandre Edouard Baudrimont (1806-1880) ; Jean Charles Chenu (1808-1879) ; Claude Gay (1800-1873) Gustave Honoré Cotteau (1818-1894) & Jules Triger (1801-1867) ; Georges Léopold Chrétien Fréderick Dagobert, Baron de Cuvier (1769-1832) & Pierre André Latreille (1762-1833) ; Benjamin Jules Paul Delessert (1773-1847) ; Anatolij Nikolaevich Démidoff (1813-1870) ; Jean Marie Léon Dufour 1780-1865) ; Jean Baptiste Louis d'Audebard, Baron de Férussac (1745-1815) ; Joseph Paul Gaimard (1793-1858) ; Alphonse Guichenot (?-?) ; François Louis Paul Gervais (1816-1879) ; Louis Charles Kiener (1799-1881) ; Charlemagne Théophile Lefebvre (1811-1859/60) ; Pierre Hippolyte Lucas (1814-1899) ; Henri Milne-Edwards (1800-1885) ; Henri Edwards Milne (1800-1885), Jean Louis Armand de Quatrefages de Breau (1810-1892) & Charles Emile Blanchard (1819-1900) ; Pierre Marie Arthur Morelet (1809-1892) ; Ramon de la Sagra (1798-1871) ; Hercule Eugène Grégoire Straus-Durckheim (1790-1865) ; Auguste Nicolas Vaillant (1793-1858) ; Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles (Paris & Strasbourg 1816-1830) ; Nouveau Dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle ... (Paris 1803f) ; Magasin de zoologie (Paris 1831-49) ; PLA Cazenave (1795-1877): Lecons maladies Peau 1845/56 & Traité Malad Cuir Chevelu 1850; H.Lebert (1813-78): Anat.Path. 1857/6; PA Lesson/Ach.Richard: Astrolabe Flore Nouv.Zél. 1832-4; RPLesson: hist.nat.oiseaux paradis 1834-5 ; Antoine Alphonse Guichenot (1809-1876) ;

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Vitasse, Jean Louis Nicolas
Dates of birth and death: 1792 -  
Also known as: J. L. N. V. ; L. Vitasse ;
Worked for: Louis Auguste de Sainson ; Cyrille Pierre Theodore Laplace: Voyage autour du monde (1833) ; Dumont D'Urville ;

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Vivares, Thomas
Dates of birth and death: 1735 in London - 1810 or after
Also known as: T. V. ;
Worked for: Samuel Howitt (c. 1765-1822) (?) ;

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Vivares / Vivarès, François
Dates of birth and death: 1709 in Saint-Jean-du-Bruel near Montpellier - 1780
Also known as: F. V. ; Francois / Francis Vivares / Vivarès / Vivarais ;
Worked for: Thomas Kitchin: A new map of Turkey in Europe divided into all its provinces, with adjacent countries in Europe and Asia. Drawn chiefly from the maps published by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg (1794) ; Vaucanson: Account of the mechanism of an automaton ;

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