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Waagener, Johann Jakob
Dates of birth and death: 1766 fl. -  
Also known as: J. J. W. ;
Worked for: Georg Eberhard Rumpf (1627/28-1702), called Rumphius

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Wachsmann, Anton
Dates of birth and death: 1765 c. in Schlesien / Silesia, then Prussia - 1836 c.
Also known as: A. W. ;
Worked for: Johann Centurius Graf von Hoffmannsegg (1766-1849); architect Heinrich Genz (1766-1811): Das neue Münzgebäude (Berlin 1800) ; Friedrich Gilly: Sammlung von Aufsätzen & Nachrichten, die Baukunst betreffend (1799-1800) ; Geschichte des Königlichen Potsdamschen Militärwaisenhauses (1824) ; Berlinische Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde. Neue Schriften (Berlin 1795-1805) ; Friedrich Philipp Wilmsen (1770-1831) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1796 fl. - 1805 fl.
Also known as:  
Worked for: Archiv für die Botanik (Leipzig 1769 - 1805) ;

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Wächtlin / Waechtlin / Vuechtlin / Wechtlin, Hans Ulrich / (Johann) Ulrich
Dates of birth and death: 1480 or 1485, in Strassburg - 1526 or later
Also known as: H. U. W. ; Johannes Wächtlin / Wechtelin / Vuechtelin / Wechtle / Io. Vuechtlin / Hans Wechttel / perhaps also J. U. Pilgrim ;
Worked for: Hans von Gersdorff (1455-1529): Feldtbuch der Wundartzney (1517), a manual for military surgeons ; Eucharius Roesslin the Younger (1xxx-1553/54) ;

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Wade, George
Dates of birth and death: 1673 - 1748
Also known as: G. W. ;
Worked for: A Plan of the Country where the New Intended Road is to be made from the Barrack at Ruthven in Badenoth to Invercall in Brae Marr (1735) ;

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Wadsworth, James
Dates of birth and death: 1842 - 1905
Also known as: J. W.
Worked for:  

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Waet, J.
Dates of birth and death: 1837 fl. - 1845 fl.
Also known as: J. d. W. ; J. de Waet ;
Worked for: Dictionnaire classique des sciences naturelles (Bruxelles 1837-45) ;

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Wageman, Thomas Charles
Dates of birth and death: 1787 c. - 1863
Also known as: T. C. W. ;
Worked for: James Forbes (1749-1819)

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Wagenbauer, Max Joseph
Dates of birth and death: 1774 in Öxing near Grafing, Bavaria - 1829
Also known as: M. J. W. ; Max Jos. Wagenbauer ;
Worked for: Bilder von Säugethieren zum Unterricht in der Naturgeschichte (München 1807) ;

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Wagener, Zacharias
Dates of birth and death: 1614 in Dresden-Neustadt, Saxony - 1668
Also known as: Z. W. ; Z. Wagener / Wagenaar / Wagenaer ;
Worked for: Willem Piso (1611- after 1658) ; Georg Marcgrave (1610-1644) ; Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638) ; his own Tier-Buch (1964 Brazil, with 110 aquarels) ;

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